concentration index中文什么意思

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  1. Aci allowable concentration index
  2. Now the brands that are accepted include the famous brands and the local ones . in the dairy market , the concentration index of packaged milk and yogurt is high
  3. On the basis of china ' s yearly exported data from 1992 - 2002 , this paper use concentration index to weight the market structure , and forecast the trend of development
  4. The diversity index showed that neca > pca > cka , and so did the evenness index . the dominant concentration index showed that cka > pca > neck . so the stability of the arthropod community in neca is best and that in cka is worst in the three areas
    同时,常规对照棉田中时有发现的红铃虫( peetinophoragossypxellasaunders ) 、玉米螟( ostriniafurnaeali : ( euenee ) ) ,在转bt墓因棉田中没有发生,表明转bt基因棉对棉田中大多数鳞翅目害虫具有良好的抗性
  5. In chapter four , on the basis of taking up a great amount of first hand information , the article for the first time puts forward original degree of concentration index numerical value ( 1990 - 2001 ) of china coal industrial market and has engaged more objective analysis and appraisal in relation to so such sensitive problems as influence factor , market structure positioning , especially the orientation of industry policy and enterprise restructure and expansion and has figured out the core content of the article
    同时,在占有大量一手资料的基础上,第一次公开推出原创性的中国煤炭产业市场集中度指标数值( 1990 - 2001年) ,并对其影响因素、市场结构定位,尤其是产业政策取向和企业重组扩张等敏感性问题进行了较为客观的分析和评价,构造出本论文的核心内容。作为最大的发展中国家,中国历经10余年的煤炭市场化实践,出现了许多值得认真研究并需合理解释的现实问题。


  1. concentration impairment 什么意思
  2. concentration in column effluent 什么意思
  3. concentration in food marketing 什么意思
  4. concentration in urine and plasma 什么意思
  5. concentration in volume 什么意思
  6. concentration index of suspended dust 什么意思
  7. concentration key 什么意思
  8. concentration lens 什么意思
  9. concentration level 什么意思
  10. concentration limb 什么意思


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